Tony’s Saloon: New Minty Bar Spotlight

Recently, I’ve been exploring a new part of Downtown. Now that I’ve had lunch at Church & State, happy hour at Royal Clayton’s and attended a friend’s play at Repertory X, I was ready to check out drinks at Tony’s Saloon. Tony’s is just around the corner from the others on 7th Street.

Tony's Saloon

What’s great about Tony’s is their own private, secure lot. But of course, people stay for the drinks. They also have a pool table and unusually, a ping pong table.

are we in Texas?

whiskey list

fresh fruit at the bar

As a Cocktailian, I love seeing fresh fruit at the bar. That means some special drinks were in store for me. I chatted with the bartender, explaining I enjoyed bourbon. Although he seemingly understood I was not an inexperienced drinker, he still served me his “starter” old-fashioned he called “Goodbye, Paris.” After a sip, I switched with Carina from the UncouthGourmands. She had ordered a Manhattan which I greatly preferred. I eventually ordered an Old Fashioned from a different bartender and the Manhattan was still my favorite with its smashed cherries.

Goodbye, Paris


Tony’s won’t replace my favorite whiskey bar, Seven Grand, but it’s good to know I have options in Downtown.