SF: Filipino Breakfast at Kusina Ni Tess

Kusina Ni Tess


One morning, I sneaked out of my hotel early to get Filipino breakfast at nearby Kusina Ni Tess. It was still early enough in the day that the steam tables had fresh food and I eyed the okra they were cooking when I walked in.

Kusina Ni Tess’ menu


For such a tiny spot, they had a huge menu. There was a table you could eat at but this seemed more of a take-out place.

steam tables at Kusina Ni Tess

Eggs, I want eggs!

a lot of pork cooking away

I decided on pork adobo, garlic fried rice and a fried egg.


pork adobo, garlic fried rice and a fried egg


The counter woman made sure to put a little gravy on my fried rice. I grabbed a calamansi (Filipino citrus) drink and was all set.

For the Union Square area, this would be a great place for a filling and satisfying breakfast or lunch.


Kusina Ni Tess

237 Ellis St., San Francisco, CA 94102 — (415) 351-1169
© The Minty 2012